WHOIS JSON API is a powerful and reliable service that provides real-time domain registration data by performing queries on WHOIS servers. Our API delivers accurate and up-to-date information in a structured and consistent JSON format, making it easy to integrate into your applications and services.
To start using our WHOIS JSON API, simply register for an account on our website and choose a pricing plan that suits your needs. Once you have an account, consult our comprehensive technical documentation for step-by-step integration guides, sample code, and API reference materials.
Our WHOIS JSON API manages query limits on your behalf, ensuring uninterrupted access to domain data. By handling query restrictions imposed by individual WHOIS servers, we provide you with a worry-free, continuous data source to enhance your brand protection and cybersecurity efforts.
Integrating our WHOIS JSON API into your application is a straightforward process. Refer to our technical documentation, which includes detailed integration guides, code examples, and API reference materials to help you get started with ease.
The WHOIS JSON API provides a wealth of domain registration information, including registrant details, contact information, domain registration and expiration dates, name servers, and registrar information. This data can help you protect your brand, enhance cybersecurity, and make informed domain management decisions.
Yes, our WHOIS JSON API is designed to cater to businesses of all sizes, offering cost-effective pricing plans and flexible options to suit various requirements. Our competitive pricing ensures that you receive exceptional value without compromising on quality, performance, or reliability.
Absolutely! We offer a free trial for new users, allowing you to experience the power and benefits of our WHOIS JSON API before making a decision. Simply register for an account and choose the free trial option to get started.
We cache the WHOIS data for 3 days.
When you send us a request, we start looking to see if we have a result in our cache that is less than 3 days old. If this is not the case we make a request in real time.
If you only want real time data you can add this parameter in your request: _forceRefresh=1to force a real time fetch but this would cost 2 times the credit.
Our goal is to provide you with relevant and up-to-date information.
We believe that access to information should be simple and inexpensive. We do our best to keep costs low without compromising the quality of our service.
You just have to contact us here. We are listening to you. Your tld will be add quickly.